
FUJITO Officer Shirtをご紹介します

 今日はFUJITO 24FWのアイテムから、クラシックで上品な雰囲気のオフィサーシャツをご紹介します。

FUJITO Officer Shirt

Meet the later addition to FUJITO F/W 24 collection. FUJITO Officer Shirt, designed in a classic and elegant style. Built with firmly 100% cotton and designed in a relaxed fitting shape. Featuring the band-collar, rounded-hem and long-length in a classic style. Deeper side slits give it a beautiful silhouette when wearing and moving. A perfect layer over a shirt or alone. 
Available in Blue-Grat and Black.
Online and in-store.

FUJITO HP  → https://gofujito.com/

Directors Web Shop → https://shop.gofujito.com

Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka

brand : FUJITO
name : Officer Shirt
color : Blue Gray,Black
size : 1,2,3
price : 23,000円(+税)

Takumi Matsuo


FUJITO BS Work Shirtをご紹介します

 今日はFUJITO 24FWのアイテムの中から、ボタンなどワーク仕様になっているビッグシルエットシャツをご紹介します。

FUJITO BS Work Shirt

introducing an oversized silhouette shirt, designed in a work-style from FUJITO F/W 24.

This shirt comes with two types: one made of 100% cotton blue stripe fabric and the other made of cotton linen black chambray fabric.The stitching and buttons are characterized by work elements.It has a relaxed fitting silhouette and gathers from below the yoke on the back side.The stitch work is designed in detail and the puckering gets well-traveled-wrinkles when washed.
Available in Blue-Stripe and Black Chambray.
Online and in-store.

FUJITO HP  → https://gofujito.com/

Directors Web Shop → https://shop.gofujito.com

Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka

brand : FUJITO
name : BS Work Shirt
color : Blue Stripe,Black Chambray
size : 0,1,2,3
price : 23,000円(+税)

Takumi Matsuo


FUJITO ARMY Shirtをご紹介します

 昨日よりスタートしましたFUJITO 24FWのアイテムの中から、ボタンやステッチなどが特徴的なアーミーシャツをご紹介します。


Meet the latest addition to our F/W collection that has been launched since yesterday.  

ARMY Shirt from FUJITO F/W 24. Built with a lightweight 100% broadcloth. Detailed with a relaxed fitting shape and extra-large military-style front pocket. Designed with anchor buttons and distinctive puckering the pocket. Not only just a shirt but also wearable as a jacket. 
Available in Navy and White.
Online and in-store.

FUJITO HP  → https://gofujito.com/

Directors Web Shop → https://shop.gofujito.com

Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka

brand : FUJITO
name : ARMY Shirt
color : Navy,White
size : 1,2,3,4
price : 20,000円(+税)

Takumi Matsuo


This is a(n) Base Tote in the case of Brady本日よりスタートです

 This is a(n)と老舗バッグメーカー"Brady"との特別モデルの受注会が本日よりスタートしました。Bradyには無いデザイン、This is a(n)には無いキャンバス生地を使った特別なBase Toteを、是非この機会にDirectorsでご覧ください。サイズもS、L、XLの3タイプからお選びいただけます。7/27(土)、7/28(日)はThis is a(n)デザイナーの平松氏が在店されますので、Directorsまでお越しいただき直接お話を聞きながら商品をご覧ください。

◎ This is a(n)  #BR_01  order exhibition 28   Base Tote in the case of Brady

date : 7/26(fri)〜8/4(sun)  11:00〜18:00
place : Directors (福岡市中央区警固3-4-3 東ビル 1F)
tel : 092-733-3997

・このBase Toteは各カラー、サイズ数量限定の受注生産商品となります。
・今回はウェブショップでの販売はございませんが、通販ご希望の方はFUJITO Official Site  HPのContactよりお問い合わせください。

Special products from the collaboration with a long-established bag manufacturer in the UK ‘Brady’ and ‘This is a(n)’ , a Japan based product  design team, have been launched today. 
Meet their special collaboration products with a mixture of their design philosophy. 
Imagine if two great design philosophies get one and what they would be. 
This special Base Tote, built with canvas that is not found in This is a(n) and the design that is also not found in the Brady. 
The designer of these products, Hiramatsu will be at Directors on the 27th and 28th July. Don’t miss a great opportunity to hear his design philosophy and process from the designer. 

Available sizes: S, L and XL. 

The terms of orders and shipment,
This Base Tote is a made-to-order product with limited quantities of each color and size.
(Please note that full payment is required when ordered, and unfortunately we cannot accept any cancellation or refund once you have placed your order) 

Purchased products will be approximately shipped from October to December 2024. 

Please contact us from FUJITO Official Site HP if you are keen to order since these products will not be available online.

FUJITO HP  → https://gofujito.com/

Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka

◎This is a(n) : Base Tote by Brady (size S) Khaki,Black 43,000円(+税)

◎This is a(n) : Base Tote by Brady (size L) Khaki,Black 72,000円(+税)

◎This is a(n) : Base Tote by Brady (size XL) Khaki,Black 79,000円(+税)

Takumi Matsuo


FUJITO、FSB 24FW Collectionがスタートします

   明日(26日)よりFUJITO、FSB 24FW Collectionのアイテムを、店頭とウェブショップで順次展開していきます。今シーズンも定番のアイテムから新型のものまで、魅力的なラインナップとなっております。明日からの立ち上がりは、シャツを展開していきますのでご期待ください。今後のブログやインスタグラムなどで商品紹介していきますので、是非チェックしてみてください。


FUJITO,FSB F/W 24 collection will be launched online and in-store from Friday the 26th July. 
From FUJITO and FSB classic and standard to new desirable products will be added to the F/W 24 product lineup. We will start with shirts from new collections tomorrow. We will keep updating and showing new collections. Keep your eye on our SNS. 
Can’t wait!

FUJITO HP  → https://gofujito.com/

Directors Web Shop → https://shop.gofujito.com

Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka

◎FUJITO : Open Collar Shirt Black Chambray,Blue Stripe 25,000円(+税)

◎FUJITO : Officer Shirt Blue Gray,Black 23,000円(+税)

◎FUJITO : ARMY Shirt Navy,White 20,000円(+税)

Takumi Matsuo

This is a(n) Base Tote in the case of Bradyの受注会を開催します

 毎年インラインでの受注会が好評のThis is a(n)より、老舗バッグメーカー"Brady"との特別モデルの受注会を7/26(金)より開催します。
"Brady"はイングランド・バーミンガムを拠点とする1887年創業の老舗バッグメーカーです。今回の特別モデルは、Brady社の滑らかで上質なキャンバス生地を使い、This is a(n)の代表とするモデルBase Toteで制作しております。素材から生産まで全てBrady社の背景による貴重なイングランド製です。この試みは既存事象に「なりすます」ことで生まれる、創作の持続性及びそれがもたらす可能性を提示するプロジェクトであり、一種のレプリカプロジェクトでもあります。This is a(n)が"Brady"になりすますことで生まれた第一弾プロジェクト、開催期間中に是非Directorsまでお越しください。

◎ This is a(n)  #BR_01  order exhibition 28   Base Tote in the case of Brady

date : 7/26(fri)〜8/4(sun)  11:00〜18:00
place : Directors (福岡市中央区警固3-4-3 東ビル 1F)
tel : 092-733-3997

・このBase Toteは各カラー、サイズ数量限定の受注生産商品となります。
・今回はウェブショップでの販売はございませんが、通販ご希望の方はFUJITO Official Site  HPのContactよりお問い合わせください。

Exhibition of This is(a) Base Tote in the case of Brady 

This is a(n), annual in-line special order exhibition that will be on from Friday the 26th July for a special model with the long-established bag maker "Brady".

Brady is a long-established bag manufacturer based in Birmingham, UK, founded in 1887.This special model is built with smooth and high quality canvas fabric by Brady, and is produced in the Base Tote, a model that is representative of This is a(n). Everything from the material to the production is made in England by Brady.This is a project to show the sustainability of creation and the possibilities it offers by "impersonating" an existing event, a kind of replica project.

Looking forward to seeing you and sharing great combinations with British craftsmanship and Japanese design philosophy through this event.

FUJITO HP  → https://gofujito.com/

Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka

◎This is a(n) : Base Tote by Brady (size S) Khaki,Black 43,000円(+税)

◎This is a(n) : Base Tote by Brady (size L) Khaki,Black 72,000円(+税)

◎This is a(n) : Base Tote by Brady (size XL) Khaki,Black 79,000円(+税)

Takumi Matsuo



 今日はBAG'n'NOUN 24FWのアイテムから、日常使いに丁度良いサイズ感のトートバッグ'SHOPPING MIL/S'をご紹介します。

FUJITO HP  → https://gofujito.com/

Directors Web Shop → https://shop.gofujito.com

Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka

brand : BAG'n'NOUN
color : Navy,Olive
size : 高さ 33cm, 幅 33cm, マチ 24cm
price : 7,000円(+税)

Takumi Matsuo