今日は福岡PARCO 本館5F PARCO FACTORYにて、12/6(金)〜12/8(日)まで開催のイベント"4 YOU"で展開のスペシャルプロダクトをご紹介します。このプロダクトは、A.D.A.Nがリメイクなどを施した古着のアイテムにバックプリントやワッペン、FUJITOとFSBのネームタグが付いたスペシャルなアイテムとなっています。
M-65フィールドジャケット用のキルティングライナーを使用したジャケットは、袖口のリブや内側のジップ付きポケットなどをリメイクしています。バックには'DIRECTORS TV'の文字とグラフィックプリントが大きく入り、フロント胸位置にはFSBのワッペン、そしてFUJITOとFSBのネームタグもフロント、バックに付きます。
クルーネックスウェットは良い感じにフェードしたブラックのボディに、バックには'DIRECTORS TV'の文字とグラフィックプリントが大きく入り、フロント胸位置にはFSBのワッペンとFUJITOとFSBのネームタグもフロント、バックに付きます。
Special product from ‘4 YOU’
Introducing some special products that will be available at the "4 YOU" event
FUKUOKA PARCO FACTORY", which will be held from 12/6 (Fri.) to 12/8 (Sun.) in Fukuoka.
Special products with back prints, patches, and FUJITO and FSB name tags on vintage clothing items remade by A.D.A.N.
The M-65 jacket, built in a quilted liner, remade ribbed cuffs and zipped pocket.
The back has a large graphic print with the words 'DIRECTORS TV', an FSB patch on the front chest, and FUJITO and FSB name tags on the front and back.
The crew neck sweatshirt has a nice faded black body with a large 'DIRECTORS TV' lettering and graphic print on the back, FSB patch on the front chest, and FUJITO and FSB name tags on the front and back.
All of them are one-of-a-kind, and the FUJITO and FSB double name is a never-before-seen special.
FUJITO and FSB 24FW products will also be available as well. Swing by and see them at the event venue during the event period. Please be aware that special products for the event will not be available at Directors.
Introducing some special products that will be available at the "4 YOU" event
FUKUOKA PARCO FACTORY", which will be held from 12/6 (Fri.) to 12/8 (Sun.) in Fukuoka.
Special products with back prints, patches, and FUJITO and FSB name tags on vintage clothing items remade by A.D.A.N.
The M-65 jacket, built in a quilted liner, remade ribbed cuffs and zipped pocket.
The back has a large graphic print with the words 'DIRECTORS TV', an FSB patch on the front chest, and FUJITO and FSB name tags on the front and back.
The crew neck sweatshirt has a nice faded black body with a large 'DIRECTORS TV' lettering and graphic print on the back, FSB patch on the front chest, and FUJITO and FSB name tags on the front and back.
All of them are one-of-a-kind, and the FUJITO and FSB double name is a never-before-seen special.
FUJITO and FSB 24FW products will also be available as well. Swing by and see them at the event venue during the event period. Please be aware that special products for the event will not be available at Directors.
◎" 4 YOU"
date : 12/6(fri)〜12/8(sun) 10:00〜20:30
place : 福岡PARCO 本館5F PARCO FACTORY 内
FUJITO HP → https://gofujito.com/
Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka
Takumi Matsuo