今日はN.O.UN 22SSのアイテムで人気のロングスリーブTシャツMACをご紹介します。このMACはドライタッチな肌触りのコットン100%の生地を使い、袖や裾に厚みのあるリブが付いたスウェットのようなデザインが特徴的です。首元は少し広めのボートネック調になっていて、締まりもなくリラックスして着ていただけます。身幅もゆったりで着丈もやや短めなので、着た時のシルエットも綺麗です。シンプルなデザインなのでスタイルも問わず重宝する1枚でオススメです。カラーはロイヤル、ナチュラル、チャコールです。是非店頭とウェブショップにもアップしますのでご覧ください。
MAC L/S, one of our best selling N.O.UN’s long-sleeve t-shirt from S/S22.
Cut from dry-touch texture 100% cotton, thick ribs on the sleeves and hems, with sweatshirt style.
The boatneck gives you an easy-wearing and relaxed feeling around your neck.
Cut from a boxy fit so it looks beautiful when you wear it.
The design is so simple and it is the perfect to mix and match with any styles.
Available in French blue, Natural and Charcoal.
Online and in-store.
MAC L/S, one of our best selling N.O.UN’s long-sleeve t-shirt from S/S22.
Cut from dry-touch texture 100% cotton, thick ribs on the sleeves and hems, with sweatshirt style.
The boatneck gives you an easy-wearing and relaxed feeling around your neck.
Cut from a boxy fit so it looks beautiful when you wear it.
The design is so simple and it is the perfect to mix and match with any styles.
Available in French blue, Natural and Charcoal.
Online and in-store.
FUJITO → https://www.wstra.com
brand : N.O.UN
name : MAC L/S
color : Royal,Natural,Charcoal
size : M,L,XL
price : 7,800円(+税)
Takumi Matsuo