FUJITO 22FWのアイテムから、起毛感が特徴のニットキャップをご紹介します。このニットキャップは、英国羊毛と南米羊毛のハーフブレンドの糸で編み立て起毛加工を施しています。ハリとコシを併せ持ち、型崩れしにくいところも特徴です。裏側は起毛加工を施していないので、折り返すと違った雰囲気で楽しんでいただけます。同素材でクルーネックセーターとカーディガンもあるので、合わせてみるのも良さそうです。カラーはチャコール、ワインレッド、ブラウンです。是非店頭とウェブショップにもアップしますのでご覧ください。
A new arrival from FUJITO A/W22 : the Knit Cap.
Knitted with blended wool, British wool and South American wool, and brushed finish. Featuring the tenseness and stiffness that keeps its shape and reversible. The liner is not brush finished so it will look different when worn in reversible.
We love pairing it with The Crew Neck Sweater and the Cardigan, the same materials as this knit cap, for your autumn outfits.
Available in Charcoal, Wine Red and Brown.
Online and in-store.
A new arrival from FUJITO A/W22 : the Knit Cap.
Knitted with blended wool, British wool and South American wool, and brushed finish. Featuring the tenseness and stiffness that keeps its shape and reversible. The liner is not brush finished so it will look different when worn in reversible.
We love pairing it with The Crew Neck Sweater and the Cardigan, the same materials as this knit cap, for your autumn outfits.
Available in Charcoal, Wine Red and Brown.
Online and in-store.
FUJITO HP → https://gofujito.com/
brand : FUJITO
name : Knit Cap
color : Charcoal,Wine Red,Brown
size : size : Free (頭周り約52cm)
price : 8,000円(+税)
Takumi Matsuo