


Winter essentials 

Today, we are introducing you to winter essentials such as a beanie, a casquette and a bush hat from FUJITO’ s collections. Each has a different texture and fabric. 
Casquette has a unique texture of the original fabric and is slightly large shaped with a classic look. Its strong presence can fit with a simple style and makes a point for your outfit.
Corduroy bush hat is featured with its slightly large brim. Corduroy fabric gives you a warm feeling from its looks and texture. It is an ideal winter essential.
Beanie is made of a high quality cashmere, high heat-retaining and very light. 
Smooth tactile, ultimately easy, comfortable and versatile from casual outfits to formals.
If you see something you love, don’t wait.
Available online and in our Fukuoka shop now.
So grateful for your support over the past year for FUJITO, FSB and other brands.
Wishing you the happiest holidays and New Year. 
We are closed from 30 December 2021 to 3 January 2022.
Looking forward to seeing you in 2022!

Directors Web Shop → https://fujito.theshop.jp

Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka

◎FUJITO : Casquette Charcoal,Olive Green 11,500円(+税)

◎FUJITO : Bush Hat Brown Gold,Royal Navy 10,000円(+税)

◎FUJITO : Cashmere Knit Cap Heather Gray,Black 14,500円(+税)

Takumi Matsuo



 今日は寒くなった今の時期にオススメなマフラーをご紹介します。まずABRAHAM MOONのマフラーはメリノウールを使っているので上品な肌触りでチクチク感もありません。ブラックの単色でデザインもシンプルなのでスタイル問わず合わせていただけます。そしてHeimatのマフラーはヴィンテージの編み機を使った独特な編み込みが特徴です。肌触りは少しサラッとしたドライな感じで巻きやすく、毛足が長めなマフラーが苦手な方にオススメです。ご紹介したマフラーは、店頭とウェブショップでご覧いただけますので是非チェックしてみてください。

Scarf season is upon us

Introducing you to the perfect accessory for the cold days.
Scarf from “ABRAHAM MOON”, made of the tactile merino wool, has a feeling of refinement. Not only well-designed but also simple and easy to fit with any style.
Colour : Black
Scarf from “Heimat” is made with special technique by using a vintage knitting machine which brings it unique knitting patterns.
Easy to wear and its texture is so comfortable with a smooth touch which will be suitable for one who doesn’t get along with a long length scarf.
Available online and in our Fukuoka shop now.

Directors Web Shop → https://fujito.theshop.jp

Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka

◎ABRAHAM MOON : Wool Muffler Black 5,000円(+税)

◎Heimat : Wool Scarf Natural,Navy 10,000円(+税)

Takumi Matsuo





 2021.12.30(木) 〜 2022.1.3(月)


Directors Web Shop → https://fujito.theshop.jp

Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka

Takumi Matsuo


シーズン幅広く使えるLIFE WEARのアイテムをご紹介します

 今日はシーズン幅広く使えるLIFE WEARのクルーネックスウェットシャツとスウェットパーカーを着用の写真でご紹介します。このLIFE WEARはアメリカのカットソーメーカーで、アメリカ製っぽさを感じるゆったりとしたシルエットやアームが特徴的です。リバースウィーブタイプなのもポイントです。デザインはどちらのタイプもシンプルなので、いろんなスタイルで合わせやすく長く愛用していただけます。元々ゆったりとしたシルエットですが、ワンサイズ上げて大きめに着てみるのもオススメです。カラーはヘザーグレーとブラックからお選びいただけます。ご紹介したLIFE WEARのアイテムは、店頭とウェブショップでご覧いただけますので是非チェックしてみてください。

Seasonal selections from “LIFE WEAR”

Today, we are introducing you to a crew neck sweatshirt and a hoodie from LIFEWEAR. They are so suitable for a wide range of seasons.
LIFEWEAR is a manufacturer in the United States and all products are made in the USA and are designed with oversized fit that will give you vintage America.
And it is also made with REVERSE WEAVE techniques.
Both a sweatshirt and a hoodie were simply designed to pair perfectly with any kind of piece of your outfits and to wear for a long term.
They are originally designed with oversized fit but you can go up a size to make a different look.
Colours : Heather Grey and Black
Available online and in our Fukuoka shop now.

Directors Web Shop → https://fujito.theshop.jp

Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka

◎LIFEWEAR : Crew Neck Sweatshirt Heather Gray,Black 9,000円(+税)
※着用サイズ M
◎FUJITO : Bush Hat Royal Navy,Brown Gold 10,000円(+税)
着用モデル : 173cm

◎LIFEWEAR : Hooded Black,Heather Gray 12,000円(+税)
※着用サイズ M
◎FSB : FSBB Cap Black,Olive Green,Gray 9,800円(+税)
着用モデル : 173cm

Takumi Matsuo




The perfect sweater and knitwear for winter

Today, we are going to show you the sweater and the knit wear for the coldest days.
The crew neck sweater from FUJITO is made of South American wool which is fluffy and light weight with a slightly oversized fit and high neck.
Colours: Natural, brown and charcoal grey.
The 3D knitwear by N.O.UN as shown in the second post of today is made by WHOLEGARMENT technique which is knitted in three dimensions directly from the knitting machine. Finished with two interweaved pockets which will create a good look in simplicity. Easy to fit to any style.
Both the beanie made of cashmere and the casquette featured by our original fabric are from FUJITO. 
Available online and in our Fukuoka shop now.

Directors Web Shop → https://fujito.theshop.jp

Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka

◎FUJITO : C/N Knit Sweater Natural,Brown,Charcoal 23,000円(+税)
※着用サイズ 3
◎FUJITO : Cashmere Knit Cap Heather Gray,Black 14,500円(+税)
着用モデル : 173cm

◎N.O.UN : 3D Knit Navy,Camel 15,800円(+税)
※着用サイズ L
◎FUJITO : Casquette Charcoal,Olive Green 11,500円(+税)
着用モデル : 173cm

Takumi Matsuo


プレゼントにもオススメのOBSCURE SOCKSをご紹介します

 今日はプレゼントにも最適なOBSCURE SOCKSをご紹介します。このOBSCURE SOCKSはメンズとレディースのサイズ展開で、種類は大きく分けて3種類のタイプになり全て植物の名前が付けられています。まずは手編みのような風合いが特徴のローゲージソックスCitrusとRosa、足底などパイル部分がタオルのような風合いのソックスAgaveとAbelia、リブ編みにパイルが入れられる希少な機種を使用したソックスSasaとStyraxになります。どれも編み方など特徴が違い、履き心地や見た目も変わるので自分好みの1足を見つけてみてください。プレゼントだけでなく、新年に向けて新たに自分用で履いてみるのも良いですね。サイズはメンズが25.0cm〜28.0cm、レディースは23.0cm〜25.0cmです。ご紹介したOBSCURE SOCKSは、店頭とウェブショップでご覧いただけますので是非チェックしてみてください。


OBSCURE SOCKs will  be an ideal gift for Christmas and a happy holiday.
These OBSCURE SOCKS are available in sizes for men and women.
There are three different types of socks, each named after a plant.
LOW GAUGE SOCKS, “Citrus” and “Rosa” feature the texture of hand knitting.
“Agave” and “Abelia” feature the soft texture of the soft towel on the sole of the pile fabric.
“Sasa” and “Styrax” are knitted using a rare machine that can insert a pile fabric into the ribbing.
All socks have different knitting methods and features, which vary in terms of comfort and looks.
Perfect gift for your loved one or yourself for Christmas and happy holidays.
Find the perfect pair.
Size: 25.0cm ~ 28.0cm for men,  23.0cm ~ 25.0cm for women.
Available online and in our Fukuoka shop now.

Directors Web Shop → https://fujito.theshop.jp

Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka

◎OBSCURE SOCKS : Citrus (Mens) Charcoal,Brown,Gray,White 1,600円(+税)

◎OBSCURE SOCKS : Rosa (Ladys) Charcaol,Brown,Red,White 1,600円(+税)

◎OBSCURE SOCKS : Agave (Mens) Navy,Khaki,Gray,Brown 1,600円(+税)

◎OBSCURE SOCKS : Abelia (Ladys) Navy/Orange,Mint/Navy,Khaki/Yellow,Light Blue/White 1,600円(+税)

◎OBSCURE SOCKS : Sasa (Mens) Navy,Dark Beige,Red,Mustard 1,600円(+税)

◎OBSCURE SOCKS : Styrax (Ladys) Light Blue,Mint,Pink,White 1,600円(+税)

Takumi Matsuo




Here are recommended items from our curated selections.

The padded coach jacket by N.O.UN, curated selections from FUJITO.
Ripstop nylon fabric, light, very warm and can be an ideal for winter jacket.
This vivid coloured jacket will blow away the dark outfit look of winter and lift up your mood. 
Available : Blue, green and orange as shown in the photo. Each one has uniqueness.
Under the jacket, 
The polo neck-t: 100% cotton fabric, comfortable to wear by FUJITO.
The B.B cap : Wide wale corduroy cap by FUJITO.
Available online and in our Fukuoka shop now.

Directors Web Shop → https://fujito.theshop.jp

Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka

◎N.O.UN : Rip Coach Blue,Green,Orange 27,000円(+税)
※着用サイズ M
◎FUJITO : Turtle Neck Knit T-shirt Olive Green,Charcoal 14,000円(+税)
※着用サイズ 2
◎FUJITO : B.B Cap Royal Navy,Brown Gold 10,500円(+税)
着用モデル : 173cm

Takumi Matsuo


今シーズンオススメのFSB フリースアイテムをご紹介します


Seasonal recommendations from FSB’s collections.

FSB outfits come in fleece fabric and style for this season.
There is the blouson that can be worn like a shirt, trousers with a not too wide silhouette and the BB cap that is shallow and easily adapts to the shape of the head.
You can wear them for each or a co-ord in the same material.
The blouson’s fabric is not too thick so that you can wear it under a jacket to keep you warm.
4 colors:black, olive green and grey.
Visit our website or web shop for availability.

Directors Web Shop → https://fujito.theshop.jp

Instagram Account → fujito_fukuoka

◎FSB : Fleece Blouson Black,Olive Green,Gray 32,000円(+税)
※着用サイズ 2  着用モデル : 173cm

◎FSB : Fleece Pants Black,Olive Green,Gray 23,000円(+税)
※着用サイズ 30  着用モデル : 173cm

◎FSB : FSBB Cap Black,Olive Green,Gray 9,800円(+税)

Takumi Matsuo