今日はFSB 25SSのアイテムから、背中のプリントがインパクトあるL/S Tシャツをご紹介します。
このL/S Tシャツは、サポートライダーである'RADICAZ'氏によるアートワークをウェアなどに落とし込んだシリーズです。今回の'selection'のイメージは、人生の中によくある取捨選択、審判、苦悩を「光の導き」「審判の女神」「天秤」をバックのグラフィックで表しています。そしてグラフィック内でも描かれている新しいFSBのロゴマークがフロントの胸位置に刺繍で入ります。ボディはコットン100%で生地感は柔らかく程よくゆったりとしたシルエットです。カラーはメルロー、ブラックです。
FSB L/S Tee ‘selection’ from FSB 25 S/S
This t-shirt is one of the series of collaboration products with our supported skater ‘RADICAZ’ and FSB. The image of this "selection" is a graphic of "the guidance of light," "the goddess of judgment," and "heaven," representing the choices, judgments, and suffering that are often made in life. And the new FSB logo, also depicted in the graphic, is embroidered on the front chest position. Built with 100% soft cotton, and a moderately relaxed fitting shape.
Available in Merlot and Black
Online and in-store.
This t-shirt is one of the series of collaboration products with our supported skater ‘RADICAZ’ and FSB. The image of this "selection" is a graphic of "the guidance of light," "the goddess of judgment," and "heaven," representing the choices, judgments, and suffering that are often made in life. And the new FSB logo, also depicted in the graphic, is embroidered on the front chest position. Built with 100% soft cotton, and a moderately relaxed fitting shape.
Available in Merlot and Black
Online and in-store.
FUJITO HP → https://gofujito.com/
brand : FSB
name : L/S Tee 'selection'
color : Merlot,Black
size : 2,3,4
price : 8,000円(+税)
Takumi Matsuo